
Location is one of the most important factors to take into account when going OffGrid. Все зависит от местоположения. При поиске места для поселения OffGrid многие люди совершают основную ошибку, глядя только на положительные атрибуты местоположения.. да, у каждого должен быть список “я хочу этот” а также “i would prefer not that” and matching these criteria somewhat is important for happiness.
Однако не менее важно также правильно осмотреть отрицательные стороны мест и то, как это может повлиять на будущее.. солнечная does not make sense if all your land is next to a forest and all you have is shade, it might be hard to source water in the desert, good luck getting a legal permit for drilling a well in Germany, punctual workforce is not a thing in east Europe , эта река может выглядеть красиво, но с этой химической фабрикой 10 km upstream hmm, и т. д..
Don’t be persuaded to buy land quickly! If the seller of the building plot harasses you by making you know that there are other interested parties you need to pre-empt, then you should take the time to check the building plot very carefully. If the type and characteristics of the building plot have special features in the soils condition, this can result in considerable additional costs in the building of the house. Therefore, the question of soil condition must always be clarified with a soil assessment in case of doubt. Other problems may arise from soil conditions that include water or moor soil. In order to protect you from costly surprises, you should obtain very intensive level of information on the soil condition and load-bearing capacity before purchasing the property.
Очки, чтобы рассмотреть для выбора области
Which climate do you wish to live in? Do you have experience living in different climates for a prolonged period of time? Эта центральная деревня Мексики может быть сладкой в течение двух недель летнего отдыха, but are you sure you can take the heat all year round being born in Norway? Do you even want the same weather all year around, or would you enjoy a change of seasons? How is your body coping with a certain climate? Много раз после жизни 3-4 months in a different climate people get all sorts of funny symptoms because their body did not adjust well. It is highly recommended to travel and try to experience different climates to feel which fits you and your body best.
Cultures can be vastly different on each and every level of society and human behaviour. Some cultures are harsh and rough at first glance, другие открыты, спокойный и прощающий. Some support the lifestyle going OffGrid more then others, некоторые принимают это как национальную традицию.
Имейте в виду, что если вы приехали как “аутсайдер” Вы тот, кто должен приспособиться к местной культуре! No one likes the foreign smart ass who knows everything better and disrespects local traditions, definatly not a good way to make friends. Same as what can be said as with climate, Настоятельно рекомендуется путешествовать и попробовать разные культуры, чтобы увидеть, что подходит вам лучше всего..
закон, Разрешения, Нормативно-правовые акты, Правовая ситуация
Этот вид пересекается с культурой. More often then not, law and how it is enforced is very much tied to culture. However there is always legal things that will be minorly or majorly different from country to country, из штата в штат или даже из города в город. Depending on what your plans are it should be worthwhile to inspect the legal situation properly.
Цены, Price Level
Some areas will be cheaper then others, this does not only reflect countries but can also vary vastly within the same country.
Getting land in Somalia will generally drain less numbers from your bank account then acquiring a mansion in Luxenbourg.
Consider not only your budget but also your future maintenance costs and such.
Здравоохранение и образование
Обе важные темы. Check how conditions are before moving.
A common mistake from people coming from systems with universal healthcare is to realise healthcare can be excessively expensive. Та же процедура, которая будет бесплатной в “civilised country” could cost you a mortgage and life long payments somewhere else. *USA being the prime example of negativity here.
Сообщите себе об общем состоянии полиции. Какие полномочия у них есть или нет. Является ли коррупция проблемой, и т. д..
Общая статистика общества
Статистика никогда не рисует всю картину. Вы никогда не должны полагаться на числа apon вслепую, но они могут быть важным фактором для выбора.
Вот несколько примеров, что искать:
- Численность занятых и безработица
- Crime statistics for burglaries, так далее.
- Взаимодействие полиции на одного жителя в год
- Средний уровень дохода
- Уровни образования
Things to consider for location
Proximity to water
While воды is needed to keep you and your OffGrid running,
being too close to large bodies of water like rivers and lakes can also mean you need to take extra precautions because of flooding. In any climate over freezing point larger bodies of water also mean a lot more insects and general wildlife in close proximity. This can be both positive or negative.
Solar power production and food production can rely heavily upon this. Чем больше, тем лучше. For solar to work best it should be placed where there is no shade for the duration of the day.
More details on this can be found in the solar section.
Wind turbines are a valid source of power. Они будут обеспечивать питание ночью и в пасмурную и плохую погоду. There is very efficient vertical turbines that basically work in just about all environments. Посмотрите, как ситуация с ветром вокруг вашего местоположения.
More Information on wind turbines can be found in the wind section under electricity.
Солнце перестает существовать для 5 месяц каждый год? cough greetings to all the tough souls in Finland* How much minus for how long constitutes a harsh winter? Whats the usual and unusual summers like? Has there been flooding? Насколько силен сезон дождей?? Погода является основным фактором для жизни OffGrid! It is highly recommended to inform yourself properly about the local weather.
Soil Quality
If you planning on raising crops or larger amounts of livestock it is recommended to check the soil quality if you buy larger pieces of land. Это сказало, for your casual veggie garden of 4 m² its not a big factor; you can easily dump a few m³ of nutrient rich soil for such purposes.
Вам понадобятся вещи. Не только еда, но предметы повседневной жизни, электроника, лекарство, maintenance of machinery, так далее.
Remote area also means less variety in shopping opportunities and such. Make sure you know how far certain shops are from your location.
Closest populated area
Consider carefully how far out you want to be. A 5 km distance to the next populated area can easily be overcome on foot or bike even for smaller children. Being too far out makes things more complex. 20 км или более и “пешком” больше не является жизнеспособным вариантом.
Local Resources
Дерево, stone, sand, clay, воды, etc are all things you will need one way or another during construction. The more resources are locally available on your land the less you need to “Импортировать”. This usually scales with your distance to the next populated area.